작성일 : 03-02-06 15:33
Local Electrode Atom Probes (LEAP) 발명자 세미나
 글쓴이 : TLO
조회 : 14,385  
나노분석장비로 새로이 개발된 LEAP의 발명자를 모시고 세미나를 아래와 같이 개최합니다. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Electrode Atom Probes (LEAP) - 3D Atomic-Scale Compositional Imaging - 2003. 2.14. 11:00-12:00 연구 2동 세미나실 Speaker Dr. Thomas F. Kelly Chairman, Founder and CTO of IMAGO Inventor of LEAP Formerly UW Madison, Tenured Full Professor, 17 years Director Materials Science Center Ph.D, MIT Rush toward nano-technology calls for new innovative analytical instrumentations, which surpass the capabilities of currently available nano-scale microscopes, such as SEM, SIMS, TEM, AES, AFM, STM, etc. Special demand is on 3D atomic-scale compositional image, in other words, a computed axial tomographic (CAT) image of nano-scale material. Do we have such a tool? Recently, IMAGO invented LEAP, which pushes the limits. The technique combines field emission atom probe and Mass Spectrometry (MS) to produce an image. We will discuss the principles, advantages, and applications of the technique. Advantage is “knowledge on 3D atomic- scale compositional image within 1 hour”. Examples of application will be shown, which include analyses of impurities in Cu, boron in silicon, nano-scale giant magnetoresistive mutilayer, metal/dielectric interface, nickel base super-alloy, etc. * 관리자님에 의해서 게시물 복사되었습니다 (2005-10-25 16:31)