분류 표면기술
기술명 Matrix Resin and Surface Treatment for Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Composites
연구자 Jin-woo Yi
특허출원번호 KR10-2016-0052075
개요 Next generation matrix resin for CFRP
⇒ Highly thermal resistance, self-extinguishing, fast curing thermosetting resin
⇒ Fast polymerizing thermoplastic resin that can be recycled, repaired and welded

Surface treatment and coating for carbon fiber
⇒ For better mechanical performance of CFRP (better interfacial strength between carbon fiber and matrix)
첨부파일   109_Matrix_Resin_and_Surface_Treatment_for_Carbon-Fiber_Reinforced_Composites.jpg (725.7K) [17] DATE : 2018-02-12 13:53:33